Ads that appear on TV during commercial breaks between shows. These ads try to grab your attention with fun characters, catchy jingles, or exciting scenes.
Ads you see while using the internet, like on websites, social media platforms, or in mobile apps. They might pop up while you're playing a game or scrolling through a website.
Ads that appear in newspapers, magazines, or even on posters and billboards. They use colorful pictures and words to try to persuade people to buy something.
Ads you hear on the radio between songs or during breaks. They use music, sound effects, and voices to tell you about products or services.
Ads that show up while you're using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. They might appear in your feed or as sponsored posts, and they're targeted to people based on their interests and online behavior.
Good morning, everyone!

Today, we're going to embark on an exciting journey to explore the fascinating world of advertising. But before we dive in, let me ask you all a question: What comes to mind when you think of advertising?

TV, catchy jingles on the radio, or larger-than-life billboards on the streets.

Advertising is everywhere around us, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed. It's a powerful tool that companies use to tell people about their products or services.

Advertisements are designed to to make us feel excited, intrigued, and in the end to buy something.

So, how do advertising work?

It use all sorts of clever tricks and techniques to catch our attention.
From catchy slogans and vibrant colors to heartwarming stories and celebrity endorsements. Advertisers know just how to make you want to buy their product.

But here's the best part: advertising is all about creativity.

It's about thinking outside the box and coming up with ideas that are bold, imaginative, and super cool. Just take a look at some of the most creative ads out there — ads that make us laugh or even cry.



- do you like it or not? why?

- Did they make you want to buy the product?

Encourage critical thinking by discussing the intentions behind each advertisement and the effectiveness of the persuasive techniques used.

SO! Have you heard a short and catchy phrase that makes you remember a product or a company? ANSWER

That's called a slogan! A slogan is like a special song or a magic spell that helps people remember something important or exciting. In our case - it helps to remember a product

How to Write a Catchy Slogan:

Keep it Short and Sweet: A good slogan is short and easy to remember. It's like a little treasure that fits in your pocket!

Make it Fun, and also Rhyme: Slogans that rhyme or sound like a song are super catchy! They stick in your head like your favorite tune. "Madeira Airlines - Fly High, Reach the Sky"

Make it unique

Tell People Why They Need it: A great slogan tells people why they should choose a product. It's like saying, "Hey, this is awesome, and here's why!"

Examples of Catchy Slogans:

"Just Do It" - Nike

This slogan is super short and tells you to get up and do something fun, like play sports or go on an adventure

"I'm Lovin' It" - McDonald's

This slogan is catchy because it rhymes and tells you that you'll love eating yummy food at McDonald's.

"Think Different" - Apple

This slogan is cool because it tells you that it's okay to be unique and different, just like Apple's awesome products!

Remember, when you write a slogan, think about what makes the product special and why people should choose it.
SO! Lets get ready for an adventure of your own!

Today, we're going to play a game called "Adventurous Advertisers." In this game, you'll have the chance to become marketing genius, crafting your own advertising for imaginary products.

Game Rules:


    1.Cloud Pillow: A pillow that feels like you're sleeping on a cloud, offering the most comfortable and dreamy sleep experience imaginable.

    2.Time-traveling Shoes: Shoes that allow you to travel through time and explore different historical eras with every step you take.

    3.Glow-in-the-dark Pencil: A magical pencil that glows in the dark, making homework and drawing at night an enchanting experience.

    4.Bubblegum Bubble Blower: A bubblegum that not only blows the biggest bubbles but also transforms them into colorful floating creatures that dance in the air.

    5.Invisibility Cloak: A cloak that makes you invisible whenever you wear it, perfect for sneaking past pesky siblings or playing epic pranks.

    6.Super Snack Pack: A snack pack filled with bite-sized treats that give you superpowers, like super speed, laser vision, or the ability to fly.

    7.Musical Paintbrush: A paintbrush that creates beautiful music as you paint, turning every stroke into a symphony of colors and melodies.

    8.Teleporting Telescope: A telescope that not only lets you see distant stars and planets but also allows you to teleport to any place in the universe that you observe.

    9.Magic Mirror: A mirror that reflects your inner beauty and confidence, boosting your self-esteem and making you feel like a superstar.

    10.Adventure Backpack: A backpack filled with endless supplies for epic adventures, including a map that leads to hidden treasures, a compass that never points the wrong way, and a snack pouch that's always magically refilled with your favorite treats.

    11. Sunshine Simulator: A device that brings sunshine and warmth wherever you go, even on the gloomiest of days, allowing you to enjoy sunny weather all year round.

    Brainstorming: Give students a 20 minutes to brainstorm ideas for their advertisement. Encourage them to think about the unique features and benefits of their product.

    Advertisement Creation: Each group creates a poster advertisement for their product using the provided materials. They should include catchy slogans, colorful visuals, and key selling points.

    Presentation: After the posters are completed, each group presents their advertisement to the class. They have 2-3 minutes to pitch their product, highlighting its features and why it's the best choice for consumers.

    Judging: After all presentations are finished, allow students to vote for their favorite advertisement (excluding their own). The group with the most votes wins the game
But remember, it's not just about making a flashy poster. It's about telling a story, capturing hearts, and sparking imaginations. So, let your creativity free!